July 22, 2014

Baby Love

Hello my loves, I know it's been quite around here lately.. I'm sorry, I have just had a few things going on that have been pulling me away. But now I am back and I have some super exciting news to share!

On Wednesday, my dad and his fiance' welcomed my adorable little brother into the world!!

Ladies and gents, I give you 8 pound 14 ounce, 22 inch long baby Aiden Elijah.

Yep, he's a ginger.

That long curly red hair is definitely my favorite precious feature! I can't help but give him little baby faux hawks every time I hold him. He's a rock star after all.

The day was spent with family oohing and ahhing over him, and can you blame us? Look how freaking cute this kid is! Here are a few pictures to help you get in your baby fix:

Aiden's check ups right before his first bath. He wasn't to happy about it.

Marci was such was a trooper.  And just look at that beautiful new mom glow!! 

He's one of the happiest and most content babies I've ever seen. 

Just ignore my bad iphone pics. I had to have a picture of the siblings, bad quality or not!

So that's what's been going on with me! Anything new and exciting happening with you guys?!


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